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Storebrand Eiendomsfond Norge KS

Norway's largest unlevered real estate fund, incepted in 2010. The investment strategy is to invest in, and manage, a diversified portfolio of properties located in major Norwegian cities.

    • Risk profile: Core / Core Plus
    • LTV: Unlevered
    • Geography: Norway, largest cities
    • Sector: Office, logistics, retail, hotel and other
    • Launch: 2010
    • Domicile: Norway
    • Structure: Limited partnership
    • Fund term: Open-ended
    • ESG ambitions: 5-star GRESB rating, 100% certified properties
    • SFDR category: Article 8
  • Andreas Henriksen Lerø

    Portfolio Manager

    Storebrand Asset Management AS
    Tel: +47 913 74 238


Storebrand Life Insurance

On behalf of Storebrand Life Insurance, we manage an unlevered portfolio of premium properties carefully developed step-by-step since the 1950s.

    • Risk profile: Multi-strategy
    • LTV: Unlevered
    • Geography: Norway, largest cities
    • Sector: Multi-strategy
    • Launch: 1950s
    • Structure: Direct and joint-ventures
    • ESG ambitions: 5-star GRESB rating, 100% certified properties


  • Linn Idsø Brenne

    Portfolio Manager

    Storebrand Asset Management AS
    Tel: +47 924 00 494



SPP Fastigheter

Well diversified exposure to Swedish real estate, with long contracts and stable cash flow. Focus on growing urban areas, with 2/3 near the greater Stockholm area.

    • Risk profile: Core
    • LTV: Unlevered
    • Geography: Sweden, growing urban areas, 70% near greater Stockholm area
    • Sector: Residential, public use, retail, hotel and office
    • Launch: 2007
    • Domicile: Sweden
    • Structure: Limited partnership
    • Fund term: Open-ended
    • ESG ambitions: 5-star GRESB rating, 100% certified properties


  • Marita Loft

    CEO Storebrand Fastigheter

    Storebrand Asset Management AS
    Tel: +46 70 960 54 64


Capital Investment (adviser)

Capital Investment (fully owned by Storebrand) provides domestic and International investors exposure to the Danish property market. Strategies range from investing in premium retail assets, to office rehabilitations, residential property management and more.

Since 2014 Capital Investment has made more than 50 successful investments, amounting to approx. EUR 2.7 bn.

  • Through Capital Investment, we deliver a comprehensive property investment management package, handling the entire investment process from beginning to end on behalf of our international clients.

    This includes everything from supervision and research to due diligence, development and management, and we handle the investment until our client is ready to exit.

    Our goal is to provide the platform that enables international clients to invest immediately, retaining the highest possible expertise, but without having to establish a Danish office.

  • Claus Klostermann


    Capital Investment
    Tel: +45 51 51 78 50


Storebrand Nordic Real Estate

Well proven strategy of investing in high quality income generating properties across the Nordic region, with focus on central and liquid locations.

    • Risk profile: Core Plus
    • LTV: Maximum leverage 50%
    • Geography: Nordic region, focus on central and liquid locations
    • Sector: Office, hotel, logistics, retail, other
    • Final Close: Final close Dec 2023
    • Domicile: Luxembourg
    • Structure: S.A. SICAV-RAIF, Société d'investissement à capital variable – fonds d'investissement alternatif réservé, (SICAV-RAIF)
    • Fund term: Closed-ended
    • ESG ambitions: This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment (SFDR Art. 8)
    • SFDR category: Article 8
  • Henrik Bastman

    Fund Manager

    Storebrand Asset Management AS
    Tel: +46 703 80 10 24


  • Website Product Disclosure, an article 8 fund [1]

    Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund
    a sub-fund of Storebrand Alternative Investments S.A. SICAV-RAIF


    Last updated 06.01.2023

    1. Summary (translated into the languages ​​in which the fund is marketed)

    English: Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund promotes, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics according to the SFDR art. 8 classification. The Fund's investments in commercial properties aim to 1) contribute to the environmental objective of climate change mitigation in the strive to align with a 1,5 degree emission pathway, and 2) promote the social objective of health and wellbeing among tenants, users, suppliers and neighbors. Sustainability risks are considered in investment decisions. ESG due diligence in the acquisition process supports the post investment ESG optimization (monitoring, assessment and implementation of improvement measures) according to the building and the Fund life cycle. Status and progress on selected indicators and adverse impacts will be tracked and reported. No specific index is designated as a reference benchmark to attain the environmental or social characteristics promoted. The Fund however will use the Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, as an indicator for comparison of overall ESG performance.


    French: Le fonds Storebrand Nordic Real Estate promeut, entre autres, des caractéristiques environnementales ou sociales selon la classification SFDR art. 8. Les investissements du fonds dans des propriétés commerciales visent à 1) contribuer à l'objectif environnemental d'atténuation du changement climatique dans le but de s'aligner sur une trajectoire d'émission de 1,5 degré, et 2) promouvoir l'objectif social de santé et de bien-être parmi les locataires, utilisateurs, fournisseurs et voisins. Les risques liés au développement durable sont pris en compte dans les décisions d'investissement. La due diligence ESG dans le processus d'acquisition soutient l'optimisation ESG après l'investissement (suivi, évaluation et mise en place de mesures d'amélioration) en fonction du cycle de vie de l'immeuble et du fonds. L'état et les progrès des indicateurs sélectionnés et les impacts négatifs seront suivis et signalés. Aucun indice spécifique n'est désigné comme référence pour atteindre les caractéristiques environnementales ou sociales promues. Le Fonds utilisera toutefois le Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, comme indicateur de comparaison de la performance ESG totale.


    Swedish: Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund (Fonden) främjar bland annat miljömässiga eller sociala egenskaper enligt art. 8 klassificeringen i SFDR. Fondens investeringar i kommersiella fastigheter syftar till att 1) bidra till miljömålet att motverka klimatförändringar i strävan att anpassas till 1,5 graders global uppvärmning och 2) främja det sociala målet hälsa och välbefinnande bland hyresgäster, besökare, leverantörer och grannar. Hållbarhetsrisker beaktas i investeringsbeslut. Användandet av ESG due diligence i förvärvsprocesser stöder ESG-optimering efter genomförd investering (uppföljning, värdering och implementation av förbättringsåtgärder) i enlighet med byggnadens och Fondens livscykel. Nivån av och framsteg för utvalda indikatorer och negativa effekter kommer att följas upp och redogöras för. Inget specifikt index är bestämt som referensriktmärke för att uppnå de miljömässiga eller sociala egenskaper som ska främjas. Fonden kommer dock att använda GRESBs (Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets) bedömning som en indikator för jämförelse av den övergripande ESG-prestationen.


    Norwegian: Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund (Fondet) fremmer blant annet miljømessige eller sosiale egenskaper i henhold til art. 8-klassifiseringen i SFDR. Fondets investeringer i næringseiendommer tar sikte på å 1) bidra til miljømålet begrensning av klimaendringer i streben etter å nå 1,5 graders målet for global oppvarming, og 2) fremme det sosiale målet om helse og velvære blant leietakere, brukere, leverandører og naboer. Bærekraftsrisiko vurderes i investeringsbeslutninger. ESG due diligence (DD) i kjøpsprosesser støtter ESG-optimalisering etter investeringen (overvåking, evaluering og implementering av forbedringstiltak) i henhold til eiendommenes og fondets livssyklus. Status og progresjon på utvalgte indikatorer og negative effekter vil bli målt og rapportert. Ingen spesifikk indeks er utpekt som en benchmark for å oppnå de miljømessige eller sosiale egenskapene som fremmes. Fondet vil imidlertid bruke Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, som en indikator for sammenligning av samlet ESG-prestasjon.


    Danish: Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund (Fonden) fremmer blandt andet miljømæssige eller sociale egenskaber i henhold til SFDR art. 8-klassifikation. Fondens investeringer i ejendomme sigter mod at 1) bidrage til miljømålet om at begrænse klimaændringer i bestræbelserne på at tilpasse sig en 1,5 graders emissionsvej, og 2) fremme det sociale mål om sundhed og velvære blandt lejere, brugere, leverandører og naboer. Bæredygtighedsrisici tages med i investeringsbeslutninger. ESG due diligence i opkøbsprocessen understøtter ESG-optimering efter investering (overvågning, evaluering og implementering af forbedringstiltag) i henhold til bygningen og Fondens livscyklus. Status og fremskridt for udvalgte indikatorer og negative virkninger vil blive sporet og rapporteret. Intet specifikt indeks er udpeget som referencebenchmark for at opnå de miljømæssige eller sociale egenskaber der fremmes. Fonden vil dog bruge Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, som en indikator til sammenligning af den samlede ESG-præstation.


    Icelandic: Norræni fasteignasjóðurinn Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund stuðlar meðal annars að umhverfis- eða félagslegum einkennum samkvæmt SFDR greininni. 8 flokkun. Fjárfestingar sjóðsins í atvinnuhúsnæði miða að því að 1) stuðla að umhverfismarkmiði um að draga úr loftslagsbreytingum í því að leitast við að samræmast 1,5 gráðu losunarferli og 2) stuðla að félagslegu markmiði heilsu og vellíðan meðal leigjenda, notenda, birgja. og nágranna. Við fjárfestingarákvarðanir er litið til sjálfbærniáhættu. ESG áreiðanleikakönnun í kaupferlinu styður ESG hagræðingu eftir fjárfestingu (eftirlit, mat og framkvæmd umbótaaðgerða) í samræmi við bygginguna og líftíma sjóðsins. Staða og framfarir á völdum vísbendingum og skaðlegum áhrifum verða raktar og greint frá. Engin sérstök vísitala er tilnefnd sem viðmiðunarviðmið til að ná þeim umhverfis- eða félagslegu einkennum sem kynnt er. Sjóðurinn mun hins vegar nota Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, sem vísbendingu um samanburð á heildarárangri ESG.


    German: Der Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund fördert, neben anderen Merkmalen ökologische oder soziale Merkmale gemäß SFDR-Art. 8 Klassifizierung. Die Investitionen des Fonds in Gewerbeimmobilien zielen darauf ab, 1) zum Umweltziel der Eindämmung des Klimawandels beizutragen, um sich an einem 1,5-Grad-Emissionspfad auszurichten, und 2) das soziale Ziel von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden bei Mietern, Nutzern und Lieferanten zu fördern und Nachbarn. Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken werden bei Anlageentscheidungen berücksichtigt. Die ESG-Due-Diligence im Akquisitionsprozess unterstützt die Post-Investment-ESG-Optimierung (Überwachung, Bewertung und Umsetzung von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen) gemäß dem Gebäude und dem Fondslebenszyklus. Status und Fortschritte bei ausgewählten Indikatoren und negativen Auswirkungen werden verfolgt und gemeldet. Es wird kein spezifischer Index als Referenzwert bestimmt, um die geförderten ökologischen oder sozialen Eigenschaften zu erreichen. Der Fonds wird jedoch den Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, als Indikator für den Vergleich der ESG-Gesamtleistung verwenden.


    Dutch/Netherlands: Storebrand Nordic Real Estate Fund promoot onder meer milieu- of sociale kenmerken volgens de SFDR-art. 8 classificatie. De investeringen van het Fonds in commercieel vastgoed hebben tot doel 1) bij te dragen aan de milieudoelstelling van beperking van de klimaatverandering in het streven om in overeenstemming te zijn met een emissietraject van 1,5 graad, en 2) de sociale doelstelling van gezondheid en welzijn onder huurders, gebruikers, leveranciers te bevorderen en buren. Bij investeringsbeslissingen worden duurzaamheidsrisico's meegewogen. ESG-due diligence in het acquisitieproces ondersteunt de post-investering ESG-optimalisatie (monitoring, beoordeling en implementatie van verbetermaatregelen) volgens het gebouw en de levenscyclus van het fonds. Status en voortgang op geselecteerde indicatoren en negatieve effecten zullen worden gevolgd en gerapporteerd. Er is geen specifieke index aangewezen als referentiebenchmark om de gepromote milieu- of sociale kenmerken te bereiken. Het Fonds zal echter de Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, gebruiken als indicator voor de vergelijking van de algehele ESG-prestaties.


    1. No sustainable investment objective

    This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but it does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

    1. Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product
      1. Environmental: The portfolio will strive to be aligned with the 1,5 degree emission pathway and science based targets, among others seeking means of reduced emissions through reduction in the consumption of energy and material resources, and promotion of renewable energy.
      2. Social: Promotion of healthy buildings and neighborhoods that support health, safety, well-being and productivity among tenants, users, suppliers and neighbors.


    The indicators used to measure promoted characteristics are Environmental indicators: Carbon efficiency and Energy efficiency; Social indicator: Tenant satisfaction; and Combined environmental and social indicator: Building sustainability certification – share of investments certified.

    1. Investment strategy

    The Fund will follow a Core Plus strategy with the following characteristics (for limits and thresholds see the prospectus chapter 1): (i) focus on Investments in the geographical regions of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark with the highest weighting on Norway and Sweden , (ii) focus on traditional commercial real estate sectors as office, hotel, logistics, retail and other; (iii) focus on income producing assets with stable cash-flow and some capital growth potential; (iv) maximum leverage of 50 % LTV, and (v) ensuring general environmental, social and governance ("ESG") criteria and promoting selected ESG characteristics.

      1. Pre investment, step one is a negative screening on investments that do not live up to the SAM sustainable investment policy, or that hold an ESG standard that cannot be improved properly to promote selected characteristics within acceptable effort or means. In step two, an asset-level environmental and/or social risk assessment is conducted as a standard part of the overall due diligence process, along with i.a judicial, financial and technical assessments. The Fund shall to a greatest possible extent consist of properties with high environmental standard, and that hold a third-party environmental certification.
      2. Post investment sustainability is integrated in management and development of standing investments in order to best attain the E/S characteristics. This phase covers portfolio and property management, monitoring, communication, development and continuous improvement processes, including:
        1. Asset-level monitoring of E/S characteristics and principal adverse impacts in order to establish baseline and follow-up development.
        2. Based on environmental and social risk assessments include improvement strategies for the properties’ environmental and social performance in property business plans and day-to-day optimization of building operation.
        3. Annual reporting to and sustainability rating by GRESB (Global sustainability benchmark for real assets) and other relevant international ESG leadership standards.
        4. Regular communication to investors and public disclosure on ESG performance
      3. Policy to assess good governance practices: The Fund will invest directly in properties through single purpose vehicles with no administration. Investments and management of investments follow the Storebrand sustainability policy, among others excluding certain tenants, suppliers or business partners. The Investment Advisor holds 1st line governance practices in transactions and property management, with 2nd line compliance officer reporting quarterly. Policies are continuously developed, 1st line personnel do annual mandatory courses and risk assessments covering i.a. Anti-Money Laundering, corruption and GDPR.


    1. Proportion of investments

    There is no planned asset allocation for this Fund. The aim is that all investments promote the chosen E/S characteristics. There is no guarantee however that there will not be a property for which it i.a is not possible to get an environmental certificate.


    1. Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

    For the investments that the Fund will make, the information in most cases can be made directly available to the manager after acquisition and ESG due diligence. Through the installation and /or reading of meters (for energy and carbon efficiency), through annual tenant satisfaction surveys and through implementing in-use environmental certification, the chosen characteristics will be monitored throughout the lifecycle of the Fund at appropriate frequencies as part of the environmental management system and improvement program with internal control mechanisms. Progress will be tracked and reported annually.


    1. Methodologies

    The monitoring and measuring means described above give ground for observation of the indicator development. A positive year-by-year development, or the stabilization at a good performance level, will indicate that the Fund promotes well on the chosen E/S characteristics.


    1. Data sources and processing

    The data monitoring described above shows the data are produced directly as part of activities in property management. First-hand source insight, using approved meters with automatic readings and monitoring systems, using third party tenant satisfaction surveys, building certifications and emissions accounting, safeguards data quality before and after the limited processing to present results. Apart from exceptions where tenant electricity consumption is not available, nor the respective parts of GHG emissions, there will be no estimation of data.


    1. Limitations to methodologies and data

    There are no further limitations to the methodologies and to the data sources referred above.


    1. Due diligence

    Asset-level ESG and other thematic due diligences will be carried out by external advisors as a standard procedure in pre investment phase. The internal investment committee will assess the compiled findings before investment decision is made.


    1. Engagement policies

    The investment strategy comprises an active ownership policy in the post investment phase. This is a prerequisite for, and directly linked to, the promotion of the chosen E/S characteristics, and producing a positive development in the indicators. A generally high sustainability focus, characterized by third party certified environmental management systems of main actors and suppliers as well as of the buildings and the property management, and also the scrutinizing GRESB benchmarking described below, constitutes a framework that prevents sustainability-related controversies in property management.


    1. Index designated as reference benchmark

    No specific index is designated as a reference benchmark to attain the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the Fund.


    While not having a designated index as reference benchmark, the Fund will use the Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets, GRESB, as an indicator for comparison of overall ESG performance with reference to best practice criteria of the GRESB framework, and on the specific environmental/social characteristics that the Fund promotes. The GRESB assessment is an annual investor-driven global ESG benchmark and reporting framework that measures absolute and relative quality within ESG areas material to the asset class. The benchmark covers the characteristics promoted by the Fund through the specific performance "aspects" of "GHG", "Energy" and "Tenants & Community". Other material environmental and social performance aspects are assessed in addition to management aspects and are aggregated into an overall ESG benchmark. More information in GRESB Real Estate Reference Guide and the Scoring Document.


    [1] According to SFDR Sustainable finance disclosure regulation, EUR-Lex - 32019R2088 - EN - EUR-Lex (

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Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.