
Perspectives and news from Storebrand Asset Management

Latest insights 

Principles of Responsible Investment 2024 assessment of Storebrand Asset Management

13.01.2025 Storebrand Asset Management
High scores overall, with improvement in two modules

Can the business sector close the human rights due diligence gap?

20.12.2024 Storebrand Asset Management
Roundup and reflections on the recent UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

The Big Interview: Tulia Machado-Helland

16.12.2024 Storebrand Asset Management
On the relevance of human rights to managing portfolio risk in an increasingly conflict-filled and tech-driven global landscape.

Market intelligence

Storebrand Global Solutions - Quarterly update  

Nader Hakim Fard summarizes portfolio changes and performance latest quarter.

Storebrand Global ESG Plus - Quarterly Update

Henrik Wold Nilsen provides the latest updates on the fund's performance and the key influencing factors.

Market outlook

A monthly Market outlook is presented by the Allocation and Global Fixed Income team in Storebrand Asset Management.

They give an overview of recent market developments and macroeconomic conditions, as well as our over- and underweight positions. 

Whitepapers: Tapping into secular trends

We believe companies well positioned to deliver on UN Sustainable Development Goals will generate better long-term risk adjusted returns. Explore our whitepapers elaborating on the investment potential in four secular trends and themes - Renewable energy, Smart cities, Circular economy and Equal opportunities.

Solutions Spotlight blog

Get updated on the latest market views and outlooks from our Solution investment team, spearheading our thematic investments in companies accelerating the sustainable transition.

Upright: The project revolutionising and democratising impact assessment

20.12.2024 Philip Ripman, Portfolio Manager
Storebrand is using an innovative impact data model to strengthen our solutions investments

Political uncertainty creates new opportunities for renewable energy

11.12.2024 Nader Hakimi Fard, Portfolio manager, Storebrand Renewable Energy Fund
As the Trump administration begins, might there be surprises ahead for those expecting big changes to renewable energy policies?

Trane Technologies

19.11.2024 Sunniva Bratt Slette, Portfolio Manager, Storebrand Asset Management
Cop29 Summit highlights the value of climate efficiency solutions

News in Norwegian

Norske nyheter

Bransjen står overfor mange kommende utfordringer

10.01.2025 AMWatch
Adm. direktør i Storebrand Asset Management, Jan Erik Saugestad, sier de er forberedt på økte spenninger og konflikter, også i Norden.

Nyttårsrally i november?

16.12.2024 Hans Thrane-Nielsen, Storebrand Asset Management
Aksjemarkedet er fullt av små rariteter. Akademikere og praktikere har jobbet i over 60 år med å lete etter avkastningsmuligheter som gjør at man som ...

Hvorfor undervekter Oljefondet USA?

11.12.2024 Stig Roar Haukø Lundeby og Lars Qvigstad Sørensen
Oljefondet har gått glipp av 1000 milliarder kroner i avkastning fordi Finansdepartementets aksjeindeks undervekter USA. Hvorfor påtar Norge seg en ...

Norske rentefond – status ved årsskiftet

Våre renteforvaltere Sigve Stabrun og Per Inge Heggem oppsummerer 2023 og deler sine utsikter for 2024.

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.