Portfolio Managers

Our team of portfolio managers manage a wide variety of funds and discretionary portfolios in all risk categories. Each portfolio manager has a specific area of responsibility and dedicated portfolios based on a team approach.


Dagfin Norum

  • Allocation and Global Fixed Income
  • Debt Investments
  • Infrastructure 
  • Multi Asset
  • Norwegian Fixed Income
  • Swedish Fixed Income

Bård Bringedal

  • Delphi
  • Norwegian Equity
  • Storebrand Solutions
  • Storebrand Index Quant

Norwegian Equity

Bård Bringedal

Head of Equities

Hans T. Nielsen

Senior Portfolio Manager

Alf Inge Gjerde

Senior Portfolio Manager

Karin Busch

Portfolio Manager

Tiril F. Støle

Portfolio Manager

Knut Ivar Saatvedt

Senior Market Operator

Storebrand Solutions

Philip Ripman

Senior Portfolio Manager

Sunniva Bratt Slette

Portfolio Manager

Ellen Grieg Andersen

Portfolio Manager

Nader Hakimi Fard

Portfolio Manager

Storebrand Index Quant

Lars Q. Sørensen

Senior Portfolio Manager

Andreas Poole

Senior Portfolio Manager

Geir Magne Bøe

Portfolio Manager

Henrik Wold Nilsen

Senior Portfolio Manager

Allocation and Global Fixed Income

Olav Chen

Head of Allocation and Global Fixed Income

Tore Jørgen Rye

Senior Portfolio Manager

Bjørn Næss

Senior Portfolio Manager

Lasse Theimann

Senior Portfolio Manager

Søren S. Christensen

Senior Portfolio Manager

Norwegian Fixed Income

Pål Solberg

Head of Fixed Income


Ola B. Mo

Credit Specialist

Sigve D. Stabrun

Senior Portfolio Manager

Per Inge Heggem

Senior Portfolio Manager

Tom Lund

Senior Portfolio Manager


Swedish Fixed Income

Gustaf Linnell

Head of Swedish Fixed Income

Johan Hedengren

Senior Portfolio Manager

Ola B. Mo

Credit Specialist

Susanna Kaas von Mentzer

Portfolio Manager


Jo Gullhaugen

Head of Infrastructure

Ann-Marie Kulvik

Investment Associate

Dennis Brix Reichhardt

Investment Manager

Multi Asset

Espen Skrimstad

Head of Multi Asset

Harald Skjørten

Senior Portfolio Manager

Håvard Langseth

Senior Portfolio Manager

Aleksander Baklund

Investment Professional


Ivar Harstveit

Portfolio Manager

Andreas Berdal Lorentzen

Senior Portfolio Manager

Adil Shah

Portfolio Manager

Need to get in touch with us?

Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to reach out.


Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.