Annual reports for the securities funds

By  Frode Aasen


The annual report for securities funds managed by Storebrand Asset Management AS was today approved by the Board of Directors. The report contains a Board of Directors' report (årsberetning), accounts and notes (regnskap og noter), portfolios (porteføljer), the auditor's considerations (revisors beretning) and more.

The report (in Norwegian) can be downloaded here. 


Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.