The changes to the articles of association apply to most funds and the changes include the following:
- Establishment of new share classes that are adapted to customers with higher cost price requirements
- Storebrand Norge I changes name to Storebrand Norge Institution
- In the articles of association of the securities funds Storebrand Likviditet, Storebrand Kort Kreditt IG, FO Norsk Likviditet and SEB NOK Liquidity Fund, the term "money market fund" has been replaced with the term "liquidity fund", which is the correct classification for these funds. The change is related to the fact that regulation (EU) 2017/1131 (the money market fund regulation) has been implemented in Norwegian law.
Implementation of the changes will take place successively during 2023. Share classes will be opened based on customer demand.
Approval from the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority and the approved articles of association (in Norwegian).