Storebrand Global Solutions A (DKK)


9 of 10


4 of 7

YEAR TO DATE 4.74 % 25.07.2024
ANNUAL RETURN 9.51 % Average last 5 years

Investment Objective

Storebrand Global Solutions er en fossilfri aktiefond, som har til formål at opnå et langsigtet merafkast ved at investere i globale aktiemarkeder, herunder vækstmarkeder. Fonden investerer i bæredygtige selskaber, som vi mener er godt positioneret til at løse udfordringerne adresseret i FN’s 17 verdensmål. Fonden er underlagt tillægskriterier udover Storebrands standard, hvilket indebærer, at fonden afstår fra at investere i selskaber, som har mere end 5 procent af sin omsætning fra: fossile brændsler (hele værdikæden), våben/krigsmateriel, tobak, alkohol, gambling eller pornografi. Derivater kan benyttes for at opnå en mere rimelig eller effektiv forvaltning.

Fund Facts

NAVDKK 1656.67 (25.07.2024)
AUMNOK 10718650825.58 (30.06.2024)
Active share : 95.6067025952382 % (30.06.2024)
Ongoing charge0.75 % 
BenchmarkMSCI All Countries
(Ticker: M1WD Index)

Sustainability Criteria

  • Follows the Storebrand Exclusion policy
  • Follows the NBIM exclusion list
  • Excludes gambling
  • Excludes alcohol
  • Excludes weapons
  • Excludes pornography
  • Solution company exposure
  • Fossil-free
  • Optimized for high sustainability scores
  • Optimized for low carbon intensity
  • Excludes government bonds in violation of international norms
  • Meets criteria for green bonds

Sustainability Score



av 10



av 10

Storebrand's sustainability score measures both risk and opportunities related to sustainability. The score ranges from 1–10, where 10 is the most sustainable, and is based on an assessment of the holdings in the fund.

Carbon footprint





A carbon footprint means that a portfolio has low exposure to carbon-intensive companies. It measures the portfolio companies' carbon dioxide emissions (or equivalent) in relation to sales revenues. Providing this visibility is part of Storebrand's obligations to Montréal Carbon Pledge and Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC).

Portfolio Manager

We manage a comprehensive selection of actively managed, factor and index-linked mutual funds. Our portfolio managers have long and varied experience, and work in teams to utilise their expertise across the investment strategies.

Philip Ripman

Portfolio Manager


Fund Performance

Period Storebrand Global Solutions A (DKK) Benchmark
YTD 4.74 % 12.74 %
12 months 7.50 % 17.52 %
3 years * 2.09 % 7.79 %
5 years * 9.51 % 10.94 %
Since start (26.02.2019) * 10.91 % -
Benchmark since start (26.02.2019) * - 11.31 %

Last updated: 25.07.2024

*Average annual return

**Average annual return from the period where fund and benchmark has the same start date. The yield from the fund might have a longer history than the benchmark.



  • Palo Alto Networks Inc: 4.39 %
  • Crowdstrike Holdings Inc: 4.23 %
  • American Tower Corp: 4.12 %
  • Visa Inc: 3.92 %
  • Autodesk Inc: 3.3 %
  • Cadence Design Systems Inc: 3.15 %
  • Bharti Airtel Ltd: 2.23 %
  • BYD Co Ltd: 2.18 %
  • Valmont Industries Inc: 2.16 %
  • Unilever Plc: 2.1 %
Show all

Last updated: 30.06.2024

Sector Allocation

  •   Information Technology 29.3  %
  •   Industrials 27.16  %
  •   Financials 8.03  %
  •   Materials 7.69  %
  •   Health Care 7.42  %
  •   Communication Services 5.75  %
  •   Consumer Discretionary 5.63  %
  •   Real Estate 4.12  %
  •   Utilities 2.39  %
  •   Consumer Staples 2.1  %
  •   Cash 0.4  %
  •   Unclassified 0  %

Last updated: 30.06.2024

Country Allocation

  • USA: 58.81 %
  • CHN: 4.22 %
  • JPN: 4 %
  • GBR: 3.27 %
  • DNK: 2.75 %
  • ZAF: 2.66 %
  • CHE: 2.43 %
  • IND: 2.23 %
  • ITA: 2.05 %
  • BRA: 2.03 %
Show all countries

Last updated: 30.06.2024

Countries shown at 0% make up less than 0.05% of the fund.

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.